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Who we are


Connections are stable and will never drop, regardless of what you are doing.

Your main provider for reliability and high speed.

We provide reliable connections and incredible speeds that most other providers will not bother with – regardless of what you need.

Incredible speeds

With speeds guaranteed to exceed 100Mbps, you can now watch IPTV, play and download at the same time.

The ideal solution for your family

We run a few different types of packages to ensure you can find the perfect one for your family.

Exceeding capabilities

Our 5G speeds exceed all expectations and can easily outweigh other providers.

Excellent customer service

We are always here for your questions and demands – simply get in touch with us.

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New customers who switched to us
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Customization features
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Connectivity uptime
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Faster speeds than our competition

Meet the people behind your amazing connection

Paul Booth

Paul Booth

Cris Jones

Chris Jones

Robert Wood

Robert Wood

Technical engineer

Got some questions?
Get in touch with us at +1 719 012 8717

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We know that getting back into fitness is tough! Let us help you achieve your weight boxing workouts.